When Should You Consider Pediatric Orthodontics?

Orthodontics for Children Phoenix, AZ
Pediatric orthodontics is something that almost every parent or guardian thinks about as their child is growing up. They are important to consider because of the benefits that they provide to a child and their teeth. It is often hard for people to know when the best time is to begin considering them.

Although every child’s mouth is different, it can be helpful to be aware of the signs that a parent should look out for as their child grows up. Pediatric orthodontics can significantly help straighten teeth as well as prevent any complications from forming.

When should pediatric orthodontics be considered?

Read on to learn more about when a person should begin considering pediatric orthodontics for their children.

Permanent teeth

Once a child begins to lose their baby teeth and their permanent teeth begin to come in, it is a good idea to begin thinking about pediatric orthodontics. Although parents may find it to be early, it is best to address concerns early on so that the process later isn’t as involved, painful, or even costly.

After the adult teeth grow in, they will all begin to align with the other ones. It is best to consult with an orthodontic professional when the adult teeth begin to come in so that they can take a look at how the growth is progressing. If any abnormalities are noticed about the way that the teeth are growing in then orthodontic treatment may need to be considered.

Crowded teeth

If a parent hasn’t taken their child to be seen by an orthodontic professional while the permanent teeth began growing in then it is best that they keep an eye on their child’s teeth as they grow. Often, the adult teeth can get overcrowded because there are still baby teeth present in the mouth. Adult teeth begin to come in as soon as a baby tooth is lost so the mouth can sometimes begin to crowd when there’s a mixture of both adult and baby teeth present.

Being aware of a child’s teeth and how things are progressing can help a parent to realize that it may be time to begin orthodontic treatment for their child. Overcrowded teeth can present a lot of complications down the line if they are not addressed early enough. They make the teeth more likely to develop decay or cavities because there are areas that are harder to reach when flossing or brushing.

Ready to get started?

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Orthodontics for Children in Phoenix, AZ.

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We can provide continued pediatric dentistry and orthodontic care for children as they grow up.
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